About technology
An efficient method of removing contaminants without extra spending or consumables
Laser technology is already being used in a wide range of manufacturing and business applications. More and more areas are appearing. Find out in this article how a laser device works and what the requirements are for its operating conditions.
The F-Clean range of lasers offers units for a wide variety of cleaning tasks: from a small mobile backpack to a robotic system. All F-Clean lasers are equally effective at removing dirt. The amount of power affects the speed of cleaning. To choose the right model, we recommend that the parameters of the surface to be treated and the scenarios of use are taken into account.
During cleaning, the dirt layer is vaporized. The laser beam reflects off the surface to be cleaned without affecting or damaging it. The entire cleaning process consists of a simple setting of parameters and control of the laser gun along the surface to be cleaned.
F-Clean devices are based on pulsed laser sources. The radiation is sent as ultra-short powerful pulses, which multiply the power of the equipment for a short time to remove contamination quickly. The minimum power is sufficient for effective cleaning.
The principle of laser cleaning is the same for all surfaces and contaminants. The difference lies in the rate of removal of a particular contaminant. Therefore, the choice is based on the parameters of the surface to be treated.
Pokkels laser cleaning systems require no consumables. Only electricity at the rate of 1 kW per 1 m².
Our equipment has laser hazard class 4. Laser radiation does not cause burns if exposed to the body area for a short time. To protect your eyes during operation, you must wear the special goggles that come with the unit.
With proper use, it has a lifespan of 100,000 hours. Care of the lens is very important to the longevity of the unit. It must be wiped down after each use of the laser, otherwise dirt will accumulate on it and may cause it to malfunction. If the protective lens is damaged, it can be replaced.
Our devices do not require any special maintenance. Warranty and post-warranty service is performed at our production facilities.
Pokkels laser equipment is quick and easy to set up for work. Models with a gun have external parameter controls: power, frequency and width of the laser beam.
Automatic laser systems are set up on the built-in touch screen of the instrument or on an external computer. A list of recommended settings can be found in the equipment description.
Our devices are powered by the mains by default. It is possible to additionally equip the cleaning system with a battery pack. However, such an addition will significantly increase the weight of the entire laser system, which may lead to a loss of mobility.
The laser beam width range is from 10 to 100 mm. Changing the width slightly affects the performance of the device, since the power does not change. The beam width affects the cleaning technique and its result. For example, the small width of the radiation will help to process the surface of a complex shape more accurately.
The settings of the laser systems make it possible both to clean surfaces without damage and to create structures with complex morphology, drawings or inscriptions on the surface. For example, thanks to the complex geometric craters that form as a result of machining, rather than the rounded shape as after abrasive blasting, the surface has excellent adhesion properties.
Depending on the operating modes of the equipment, slight changes in the surface layer to a depth of a few microns may occur. Surface heating is insignificant.
You may evaluate the operation of the devices in our demonstration room. We can also conduct an on-site demonstration at your facility.
Our laser devices are assembled from quality components and materials that ensure long life of the equipment, including emitters from IPG Photonics Corporation, a world leader in laser technology. You not only get reliable equipment with a working life of 100,000 hours, but also a 2-year warranty and maintenance.
Our equipment in operation

Equipment advantages
IN Pokkels
OVER 100,000 HOURS
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