Laser cleaning of the weld
Traditional methods for surface treatment of welding materials are time-consuming and expensive. You have to dispose of chemicals and clean the room from accidental contamination. Laser technology makes it possible to forget about these problems. Learn more about using laser equipment in our article.
The F-Clean laser cleaning system allows to remove traces of dirt, rust, oxide films, and shop primer in a short time to prepare the metal surface for welding and ensure a secure joint.
The laser beam removes dirt without damaging the metal surface. This effect is obtained by adjusting the power of the laser beam. The F-Clean system can clean thin-sheet materials like aluminum without temperature distortion due to its speed and low heat consumption.
The exposure of the contaminant to the laser light causes it to vaporize. As a result, simply wiping the surface is sufficient to start welding.
Pre-treatment of stainless steel sheet
Tarnishing colors and oxide films can be quickly removed due to the high performance of the laser cleaning system. The precise positioning of the laser beam allows the heat-affected zone to be cleaned without any visible traces of exposure. The surface of the product acquires its original appearance. The weld shape remains intact.
Cleaning of the weld
Examples of application
Objectives: In the construction of nuclear power plants, spider assemblies of jointed stainless steel are welded daily. Dressing of the welds is required. Mechanical cleaning is time-consuming, causing construction work to stall. The delay in commissioning of the plant is costing the company billions of rubles. The company was looking for new methods that would increase the speed of cleaning.
Pokkels solution: The F-Clean laser system has helped company significantly reduce the time it takes to prepare metal surfaces for welding work and quickly dress the welded joints. The company was able to accelerate the construction of power plants.

Objectives: One of the main facilities of a natural gas liquefaction plant is the pipeline. The pipes are initially coated with shop primer. The mechanical method of cleaning the primer in the heat-affected area caused problems with rust, which covered the cleaned areas. The pipes are placed on a frame that is coated with a protective flame retardant coating. Pipes can not be cleaned mechanically or chemically without damaging the frame.
Pokkels solution: The easy positioning and the possibility of local treatment with F-Clean laser equipment allowed to effectively clean pipe elements from rust without damaging the frame. The laser system also helps to clean the pipe surfaces from the shop primer for further welding work.
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Objectives: The company produces metal products for agriculture and the food industry: from enclosing structures to food containers. Aluminum is often used in production and its surface must be prepared for welding. Mechanical cleaning leads to deformation, especially in the case of thin-sheet aluminium.
The Pokkels solution: The laser treatment carefully treats the surface of thin-sheet items without distortion. Thanks to the accelerated preparation of products for welding, the company was able to produce more products and increase profits.
Automation options
Our company develops customized automated laser cleaning systems.
The main advantages of an automated system:
- increased productivity
- custom designed to your needs
- non-stop operation increased machining accuracy 24/7
- easy to operate
The automated system is designed with your production needs in mind. Pokkels specialists will select the required power and form factor of the robot, install and integrate the system into your production.
You can create a system that not only cleans the surface, but also performs welding work. This will allow you to get the same marketable look. The robot itself performs pre-cleaning, metal welding, and subsequent descaling and tarnishing.
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